~~ Hello! Welcome to my art blog. Where I blog about art ( just a little redundancy there for you :) and maybe a few other things here and there. My name is Catherine :) I am the KrEative GatHerER! At least, I'd like to think so. I am for the most part, a self taught "Artist". My goal is to someday feel, at least, adequate enough for the tile of Artist! In the meantime, I love coffee , tea, wine ( yes in that order ) and to submerge myself in my Art! I do mean that literally. It can be quite messy at times. ~~

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Up Close and Personal

I love nature and the beautiful animals that live in it. A couple of months ago I was able to capture these marvellous creatures. Impressive and exquisite. Sea Lions are so clumsy on land. Yet, so graceful and magnificent in the water.  I was completely engulfed and enjoyed every moment of my close encounter.   

This was so incredible to be able to get this close to these wonderful creatures.  Lazily moving about, belly flopping, snorting, grumbling and growling. Entirely enjoying the sun.

 So much fun to watch. These aquatic acrobats had jumped up onto the dock and were playfully and  inquisitively diving in and out of the cool water. Such a rewarding experience! It was an awe-inspiring moment to be able to capture these animals out in their natural habitat. 

This picture makes me smile everytime I look at it!  How deliriously happy is he? Euphoric! Nothing describes him better.  May we all find great delight in the smallest of things!

The most epic moment of all was realizing that this was just a small taste of what the future will bring!  How I look forward to being able to enjoy these beautiful animals to the fullest.  The way we were meant to enjoy them.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

So sweet

This is my first picture of a Hummingbird.  I was so excited! Not to mention surprised to see this little guy yesterday morning since it is snowing out! I am eagerly awaiting this coming Spring.  Hopefully with much persistence and patience I will be able to capture more of these darling little birds. 

A miniature bird
With an ample hunger
Curious and eager
Consuming sweet nectar
A marvelous collector
Perfect grace
Within a hyper little case

~Catherine Worley~

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Art in Motion

Graceful and fluent like an undersea ballet.  Mesmerizing. Inhabiting every layer of the ocean.  From the very surface down to the darkest depths. Magnificent and fragile. A gorgeous light show beneath the waves.  Creating a feeling of delighted admiration.  An overwhelming feeling of Awe.  A compelling appreciation for the creation of these beautiful creatures. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Natures Showcase

I am so incredibly pleased with this photo.  When I was shooting this I really did not think that it was going to turn out.  I took this in the early evening and I love the effect of the black behind these foxgloves.

 It is so wonderful when you can find the smallest things to treasure. 

So many different kinds of Wine

Wine is the drink of the High Society and has conquered over the best of them. No doubt, everyone's favorite part of drinking wine is paring it up with the perfect food.  Reaching all palate expectations! Of course, the presentation is elevated beyond compare with that perfect match.  Blind tasting, breathing, decanting, mulled wine, well placed acidity, held in a well bodied frame.  To really know ones wine one must really have a love affair. Diving into it with all its grape generated glory. 

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Enjoy the Beauty that Surrounds

I enjoy my little hikes and explorations searching for those perfect photographic moments.  There is something so alluring and inspiring in its solitude. This summer I found this little ant taking a drink inside one of the Lily's in our backyard. 

Its truly captivating how intricate life is. Even when we are going about our busy lives there is so much in life that is crawling, creeping, floating, flying, and bouncing by. How gorgeous is this world we live in?!  You can never plan your photograph. Its impossible to know what the elements of nature are going to bring you.

There is nothing like the enjoyment of hunting down that perfect moment. The possibilities are endless. Our world is full of subjects. No matter where we are or what time of year it is.  Still, I find myself wondering. Is this really worth a photo? Is there a subject that draws your eye or am I just not inspired? Is there something that I am just not seeing? Nature is so elusive that we really have to let it "speak to us".