~~ Hello! Welcome to my art blog. Where I blog about art ( just a little redundancy there for you :) and maybe a few other things here and there. My name is Catherine :) I am the KrEative GatHerER! At least, I'd like to think so. I am for the most part, a self taught "Artist". My goal is to someday feel, at least, adequate enough for the tile of Artist! In the meantime, I love coffee , tea, wine ( yes in that order ) and to submerge myself in my Art! I do mean that literally. It can be quite messy at times. ~~

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Has anyone ever cooked a plantain? I cooked one for the first time. Plantains are a staple crop in many parts of Africa. Hearing and reading how many different ways and how often plantains are prepared throughout Africa and much of the tropical world. I decided to try it myself. Although, Plantains look very much like Bananas. They are very starchy instead of being sweet.

I decided to fry my Plantain. First, you have to peel it. Which was not an easy task. It definately makes it a lot easier it you first cut off both ends.

Next, I sliced the Plantain into rounds and sprinkled lemon Juice over the pieces. Stirring until the rounds are moistened.

Next, heat some oil in a heavy skillet.

In another bowl, I mixed equal parts of curry powder and ground ginger. Then one by one, I rolled each piece of plantain in the spice mixture.

Then transfer to the skillet and fry until golden brown.

I was pleasantly surprised! A very simular taste to a potato.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Seattle winter snow storm of 2012

Earlier this month, I was feeling greatly deprived of our lack of snow out here in Western Washington.  Not only did we receive snow, it turned into an ice storm.  We haven't had anything like this since 1996.  Many thousands of people were left without power ( my husband and I included ).  Even now, many are still without power.  This ice storm led to many winter woes!  Between my house and my mothers house which is only a very small five minute drive.  Fifteen trees had come crashing down across the road.  At night, it was very strange to hear trees falling and snapping and crashing due to all the ice that was in cased around them. 

The best part, some of the photos I was able to take! 

There was ice everywhere.  Still, we have a lot of ice.  I am surprised how long it is taking to melt.

This storm created some extremely intriguing ice formations.

I just had to post this one.  My very curious cat Sir. Earl Grey sitting on the window sill staring up and facinated by the snow that was falling. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My backyard

Well, I did get my wish today!  It snowed!  I love it!  I can't believe that this is in my backyard.  Western Washington is very beautiful. 

                                 I love the crunching sound the snow makes underfoot.  The snow makes everything so clean and soft.  Even now, although, it is dark outside now.  Looking out my window, my whole outside world is all aglow!  I adore seeing all this snow out my window while sipping on delicious hot chocolate in my favorite mug.  So cozy!                                

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Charcole Sketch

I haven't posted anything in a while and it makes me feel bad.  So, I wanted to show you what I have been doing.  This is a charcoal sketch of Elizabeth Taylor.  It is still a working progress.  As I am typing, I am noticing some things that I am not happy with.  My portrait likeness abilities needs some work.   

Hopefully, soon I will have some beautiful snow pictures to post.  I am waiting for some more snow to fall at this very moment!